Sunday, February 04, 2007

Sweep of stream and tree

Sweep of stream and tree
Originally uploaded by Phil(hellene).

I am not sure how to tie the text of this blog entry to the title of the photo. I wanted to include something uplifting and the photo is it. I took it a couple of weeks ago on a great walk around Penrose Woods (a blog that has photos of Penrose Woods).

[The item just after the words Penrose Woods above is an experiment, to see if I can include html in this email via Flickr to have links behind text.]

Bit of a washed out weekend here. I seem to have picked up some sort of bug that has left all of my joints and more aching. Now I am the first to admit that it is not earth shattering but it is bad enough to confine me to base. Cathy is being nurse and providing for my comfort while carrying out various domestics. Apart from not being able to help with the domestics we are missing out on some great walking weather.

Lately it has been getting a touch colder, the evenings and night feeling like opening a freezer door on a hot day. Yesterday and today we have had large periods and patches of blue sky, with just a coldish breeze to contend with. The sunshine encourages one to walk but, we are lucky as, in Cornwall even rough weather encourages an appreciation of the landscape.

I am lucky as, thanks to Cathy, I have had the time to rest and just catch up on some reading and had some thinking time. I also caught up on a few Listen Again programmes, courtesy of BBC Listen Again - look for the link on the page

So, back to the photo. The tree reminds me of a period in my life and the stream, that life carries on; it's worth remembering that change occurs but that doesn't mean the end of everything. Maybe I need to look at things like work and think about Where the stream might take me. [Oh and to not be so pretentious.]

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About Me

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Cornwall, United Kingdom
A married Cornishman who is getting an inkling of what he wants to be when he grows up. I currently work for the NHS. [See bottom of page for Blog Archive and Links.]