Monday, January 01, 2007

Diwan-ee-khas, Restaurant and takeaway

As I may have already mentioned, we are staying with friends in Surrey.

Last night we went out for a meal at a favourite Indian restaurant in Camberley, the afore mentioned Diwan-ee-khas. It is an excellent place, with friendly staff and delicious food. Our friends have been going there for years and got to know everyone there quite well. We were served, appropriately, by Anu whose other career is in computers; it was good to have someone there other than Cathy who understands my condition.

As always the food was excellent. Cathy has raved about the Lamb Pssanda they served the last time she went there, when I decided to have something spicier for once, so I ordered that. The food was delicious as ever and we had a great time.

Of course such pleasure always comes at a cost; we had a call yesterday morning from our best friends in our home village, who asked if we wanted to come up. It doesn't rain it pours! So, along with our best friends in Cyprus, that makes us 1 for 3 for places we wanted to be, not being able to clone or teleport. Still, we do what we can and will see W & J and our Godson N on Saturday; we are keeping our fingers crossed about whether we can see S & J in February, that will sort itself out so we can but hope.

Today is a quiet one, we were a little late to bed last night; Cathy & T went up first and C & me stayed up to watch an old b/w film The Falcon in Mexico followed by about half of the 1970s Tales from the Crypt film, we got bed around 4am, not sure who will flag first today me or her (my guess would be me).

We will head to the hospital to see a neighbour of T & C up here, we always call in on him and his wife when visiting here. He has had quite a big op but sounds to be doing fairly well.

The look forward to this afternoon is Beef Wellington, prepared from scratch by T, he is a consumate amateur chef (by that I mean it is not his day job but he produces chef quality meals). I think the walk to the hospital will be a most welcome thing beforehand.

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Cornwall, United Kingdom
A married Cornishman who is getting an inkling of what he wants to be when he grows up. I currently work for the NHS. [See bottom of page for Blog Archive and Links.]

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