Thursday, January 04, 2007

Skimming Stones

I throw out words like skimming stones across the water, much more for my enjoyment than anything else.

While I blog because I want to make a contribution, share experiences and thoughts, I am the first to admit that mine is a parochial existance; I handle none of the latest gadgets or attend meetings with the great and the good, I don't even get to meet with geeks locally.

Having said that, I firmly believe that every voice (even mine) is valuable and together they add up to something greater than the whole.

Then there are the bleak times when I contemplate the size of my audience, number of responses to posts and my credentials when compared to so many bloggers whose efforts I enjoy so much.

I think of my blog as something of substance and have generally thought of my emails as ephemeral. No lofty ideals or even hopes there, it is just me being honest and holding a conversation with a friend or aquaintance. That?s why it came as such a shock, to read my friend Buzz talking about something I said resonating so much.

To have such a compliment from someone I respect so much is absolutely amazing - it's at times like this I realise that the pen is mightier than the tablet, pc, umpc, Pocket PC...I'd wouldn't give up Buzz's post for any of them.

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Cornwall, United Kingdom
A married Cornishman who is getting an inkling of what he wants to be when he grows up. I currently work for the NHS. [See bottom of page for Blog Archive and Links.]

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